Student Executive Board

Our organization was worked with over 100+ student volunteers to make our events and projects possible. We currently have 4 active chapters- the leaders are listed below.
Members of Our Executive Student Team
Akhila Challa: My name is Akhila and I'm a grade 10 student in Ontario. I'm passionate about STEAM and inspiring others around the world!
Neha Shanker:
Northeast Regional Lead
I have many ideas for the Girls Who Steam Organization, but my main focus would be to increase membership and promote and bring awareness of the organization to young girls across America. Many people are not informed about the Girls Who Steam program, and I have many ideas to bring attention to girls. Working with schools to advertise and post the organization would bring an influx of new members. I would also recommend social media advertising, especially speaking about the benefits of this organization. I would also have frequent STEAM-related activities with opportunities to help plan events as well as participate in them. This participation and hands-on feeling could help girls feel that they are a part of a community of like-minded individuals.
Julissa Alvarado:
Midwest Region Lead
I am interested to join this position because I am interested to be able to inspire and give the right guidance to girls who are interested in STEM and in Neuroscience. The ideas that I feel that would benefit for this organization is for me to be able to help young girls who are interested in my career field Neuroscience.
Francesca Lisbino:
Southeast Regional Lead
I personally was in STEAM and Science Olympiad in middle school and I know how much fun it is and what a great experience it is. I want to be able to help other girls experience the same experience that I had the privilege to. Also, I would really like to have a leadership opportunity in something that I love. I think you could make it more accessible to the public and make more people know about your program. Also, getting more high schoolers to participate in leadership roles will be able to help participate/understand the girls more and be able to make curriculums that can work with them better.
Alessandra Pappalardi:
My name is Alessandra. I'm a high school junior in New York, and I recently discovered Girls Who STEAM. I've done quite a bit of research over the last two years on combining entertainment media with research. I love STEAM and am curious as to whether there are any opportunities still available with this organization.