Research Backed Work

  • Research on Women in Leadership:

    According to Zippier: Women represent 58.4% of the US workforce as of September 2022 but only held 35% of senior leadership positions. 8.8% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women, and less than 1% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women of color

    According to the AWIS: Roughly 4 percent of STEM leadership roles are held by women of color. A total of 26% of STEM leadership roles are held by women.

    According to McKinsey and LeanIn.Org: In 2021, women of color composed just 13 percent of C-suite roles

A study done by the Harvard Business School found that youth leadership experiences increased academic performance, self confidence, and general leadership skills. There are also more tangible effects to youth leadership:  Selective colleges look for demonstrated leadership in applications, and studies have found that people with high school leadership experience are paid up to 33% more than those without it.

A study done by Purdue University found that early exposure to STEM, especially in a hands-on environment, could encourage students to pursue those fields in the future. The study also found that girls, especially, are not exposed to STEM subjects enough early on in life.

A study done by Inc. magazine found that the best way to encourage entrepreneurship in children is by allowing them to develop self confidence, and give them hands-on experience.

A study done by the IZA found that a disproportionate number of girls have an aversion to public speaking- something that could greatly hinder their leadership abilities and self confidence.

Takeaways: The programs of GirlsWhoSTEAM are developed in consideration of the research and studies shown above. Our programs for girls stress leadership, while also providing enrichment and education in STEM, public speaking, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy- all observed areas of inequality to tackle in closing the gender leadership gap.