About Girls Who STEAM

The Problem: There is a big issue in the language our society uses in raising girls.
From a young age, subliminal messages tell girls to “dream smaller”. Starting at age 5, girls stop believing they can assume leadership roles and positions like president, astronaut, CEO’s, etc. They are three times less likely to be given a science related toy, and parents are twice as likely to Google “is my son gifted?” than “is my daughter gifted?” As girl get older, they observe that less than a third of leadership positions are held by women. As they enter education and the workforce, they are exposed to a host of problems- gender-based violence and discrimination, the pay gap, a lack of female representation- that can act as real barriers in women achieving their full potential. The lack of equitable language and experiences that girls receive growing up fits into the larger narrative of gender gaps; for example, why there are more CEOs named James than female CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, or why there has yet to be a female president of the US.
The Solution: To Forge a Brighter Future, Invest in The Women That Will Craft It
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization to increase equity for girls and women in spaces where they are unheard or underrepresented. Our programs are led by girls, for girls, to tackle unique challenges that women face in education fields, political conversations, shelters, the digital world, etc. We value innovation when tackling the barriers that prevent women and girls to live a fully empowered life. Imagine a world where every girl feels empowered from their education to pursue fields where women are underrepresented. By leveraging youth volunteers and community partners, we hope that these programs pave the way for the next generation of female leaders in business, law, and STEM fields.
Our Programs:
STEM Enrichment:
Based around a DIY curriculum, our STEM workshops incorporate creativity and the arts to teach the participants (often aged 10-12) science concepts through a hands-on approach. These events serve as summer camps and after-school programming, and in addition to serving as a supplement to the normal STEM curriculum that children normally are exposed to, they also serve as an opportunity to close the gender gap in STEM. The biggest value that we place in our STEM workshops is an environment for leadership and teamwork. The girls in our programs are encouraged to work in groups on the various experiments we go through, having discussion and finding themselves as leaders. A flexible and inclusive space can encourage collaboration, problem-solving, creativity, and communication. In the past, our STEM workshops have been held in libraries, charter schools, public school, universities, etc. STEM workshops: based on a DIY curriculum, our STEM workshops normally incorporate creativity and the arts to teach the participants (often aged 10-12) science concepts through a hands-on approach. These events serve as summer camps and after-school programming, and in addition to serving as a supplement to the normal STEM curriculum that children normally are exposed to, they also serve as an opportunity to close the gender gap in STEM. Students are encouraged to work in teams as they navigate real-world concepts concerning science and society, allowing them to practice leadership and teamwork along the way.
Career Events:
We believe that the best way to encourage women in leadership is through using digital communities to share stories about powerful women and organizations pushing for change. Our career events (held in 2020-2022) had the purpose of serving as an online, accessible resource for young women interested in learning from c-suite women leading in fields where they are under-represented. These included virtual panels, talks, conferences, and pitch competitions that strived to empower women with the confidence and tools necessary to navigate through their individual career paths while supporting their independent development and promoting economic empowerment. We provide young people with the programs, support and inclusive community they need to thrive as changemakers.
Media Representation:
We believe that the best way to encourage women in leadership is through using digital communities to share stories about powerful women and organizations pushing for change. Through utilizing press and media relations, we share the story of our organization in an attempt to show girls the communities that are offered to them. We have been featured in a wide variety of platforms, including Forbes, PBS NJ, PEOPLE, Yahoo News, Business Insider, and more.
In light of the 2024 election season, we believe that, now more than ever, it is vital for young girls to feel empowered to share their opinions about candidates, policies, and proposals that affect their future. We have opened up a blog on our website, where we invite young female writers to share their op-eds on these issues.
Skincare4Shelters Project:
In collaboration with the INKEY List, we will be distributing personal skincare kits to womens' shelters throughout the tri-state area. The kits (coming in a personal tote-bag) would include the following: The INKEY List Bio-Active Ceramide moisturizer, The INKEY List Dewy Sunscreen SPF 30, a GirlsWhoSTEAM tote bag, and a GirlsWhoSTEAM postcard with a supportive note from a child (written in collaboration with NJ Schools). These kits will insure that as many under-sheltered women as possible would have access to proper skincare, and are empowered with access to personal wellness.